> file redirects stdout to file
1> file redirects stdout to file
2> file redirects stderr to file
&> file redirects stdout and stderr to file
2&1> file redirects stdout and stderr to file
/dev/null is the null device it takes any input you want and throws it away. It can be used to suppress any output.
What is /dev/null ?
/dev/null is like a black hole, "whatever you write to /dev/null will be discarded, forgotten into the void."
> is for redirect
/dev/null is a black hole where any data sent, will be discarded
2 is the file descriptor for Standard Error
> is for redirect
& is the symbol for file descriptor (without it, the following 1 would be considered a filename)
1 is the file descriptor for Standard Out
Therefore >/dev/null 2>&1 is redirect the output of your program to /dev/null. Include both the Standard Error and Standard Out.
Much more information is available at The Linux Documentation Project's I/O Redirection page.
>> /dev/null redirects standard output (stdout) to /dev/null, which discards it.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { cn } from '@/lib/utils'; // if using shadcn's utility function for className merging
import { LucideChevronLeft, LucideChevronRight } from 'lucide-react';
import { AnimatePresence, m } from 'motion/react';
import Image from 'next/image';
// const images = [
// '/property/carousel-image.png',
// '/images/listing/listing-01.webp',
// '/images/listing/listing-02.webp',
// ];
type PropertyCarouselProps = {
images: { url: string; alt: string }[];
export default function PropertyCarousel({ images }: PropertyCarouselProps) {
const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(0);
const handleNavigation = (index: number) => {
const handlePrev = () => {
setCurrentIndex(prev => (prev === 0 ? images.length - 1 : prev - 1));
const handleNext = () => {
setCurrentIndex(prev => (prev === images.length - 1 ? 0 : prev + 1));
return (
initial={{ opacity: 0.2 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
transition={{ duration: 1 }}
${images ? 'block' : 'hidden'}
relative w-full mx-auto bg-[#F8F9FA] rounded-lg
{/* Carousel Images */}
<div className="overflow-hidden rounded-lg">
className="relative flex w-full h-[500px] transition-transform duration-500"
style={{ transform: `translateX(-${currentIndex * 100}%)` }}
{, idx) => (
<div key={idx} className="relative min-w-full h-full">
className="object-cover object-center"
{/* Navigation Buttons */}
className="centralize absolute left-4 top-1/2 w-11 h-11 transform -translate-y-1/2 bg-black/70 text-white p-2 rounded-full hover:bg-black/90"
<LucideChevronLeft />
className="centralize absolute right-4 top-1/2 w-11 h-11 transform -translate-y-1/2 bg-black/70 text-white p-2 rounded-full hover:bg-black/90"
<LucideChevronRight />
{/* Navigation Dots */}
<div className="absolute bottom-4 left-1/2 transform -translate-x-1/2 bg-black/70 p-2 rounded-full flex space-x-2">
{, idx) => (
onClick={() => handleNavigation(idx)}
'w-2 h-2 md:w-3 md:h-3 rounded-full',
idx === currentIndex ? 'bg-white shadow-lg' : 'bg-gray-500 opacity-50'
'>' is redirect, and then "/dev/null" is both a path, and for this specifically a device. So usually >/dev/null would overwrite null but since is dev/null --its like a linux blackhole
and 2 is stderr so if any errors are thrown the error message is then '>' overwriting &--this-is-end-the-previous-command-because-ampersand. So & 1 is stdout so if any error from the dev/null overwrite else ';;'