LocalDate jamesBirthDay = new LocalDate(1955, 5, 19);
LocalDate now = new LocalDate(2015, 7, 30);
int monthsBetween = Months.monthsBetween(jamesBirthDay, now).getMonths();
int yearsBetween = Years.yearsBetween(jamesBirthDay, now).getYears();
System.out.println("Month since father of Java born : "
+ monthsBetween);
System.out.println("Number of years since father of Java born : "
+ yearsBetween);
LocalDate currentDay = LocalDate.of(1955, Month.MAY, 19);
LocalDate desiredDay =;
Period age = Period.between(currentDay, desiredDay);
int years = age.getYears();
int months = age.getMonths();
int numberOfMonthsBetweenDates = months+years*12;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date birth = sdf.parse("2000-01-01");
Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.setTimeInMillis(now.getTime() - birth.getTime());
int y = c.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1970;
int m = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int d = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)-1;