As a beginner, you might frequently use `console.log()` to display output.
JavaScript offers various console methods for debugging and displaying information:
1. `console.log()`: Displays messages or expressions in the console.
2. ``: Outputs informational messages.
3. `console.clear()`: Clears the console.
4. `console.error()`: Displays error messages in red.
5. `console.warn()`: Shows warning messages in yellow.
6. `console.assert()`: Logs messages only if an expression is false.
7. `console.count()`: Counts the number of times it's called.
8. `console.trace()`: Traces the execution path of the code.
9. `console.table()`: Displays data as a table.
10. `console.time()` and `console.timeEnd()`: Measures the time taken between the two calls.
11. Grouping Methods:
- ``: Starts a new group in the console.
- `console.groupEnd()`: Ends the current group.
- `console.groupCollapsed()`: Starts a collapsed group.