Javascript Comparison Operators
== Equal to
=== Equal value and equal type
!= Not equal
!== Not equal value or not equal type
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
? Ternary operator
Operator Description Example
== Equal to: returns true if the operands are equal x == y
!= Not equal to: returns true if the operands are not equal x != y
=== Strict equal to: true if the operands are equal and of the same type x === y
!== Strict not equal to: true if the operands are equal but of different type or not equal at all x !== y
> Greater than: true if left operand is greater than the right operand x > y
>= Greater than or equal to: true if left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand x >= y
< Less than: true if the left operand is less than the right operand x < y
<= Less than or equal to: true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand x <= y
// equal operator
console.log(2 == 2); // true
console.log(2 == '2'); // true
// not equal operator
console.log(3 != 2); // true
console.log('hello' != 'Hello'); // true
// strict equal operator
console.log(2 === 2); // true
console.log(2 === '2'); // false
// strict not equal operator
console.log(2 !== '2'); // true
console.log(2 !== 2); // false
const num1 = 450;
const num2 = 350;
const num3 = 1000;
if (num1 > num2 && num1 > num3) {
console.log("num1 is bigger then num2 and num3");
} else if (num2 > num1 && num2 > num3) {
console.log("num2 is bigger num1 and num3");
} else {
console.log("num3 is bigger then num1 and num2");
//Output: num3 is bigger then num1 and num2