We will verify the accuracy of the data
Will see the HTTP status code
We will see the response time
Error codes in case API returns any error
Authorization would be check
Non-Functional testing such as
performance testing, security testing.
I have worked on API testing in my project and I used
POSTMAN for manually testing and REST ASSURED
java LIBRARY for automation.
I used JDBC and it is a Java-based data access technology
used for Java database connectivity. It provides classes and
interfaces to connect or communicate Java application with
JDBC API is a Java API that can access any kind of data
stored in a Relational Database. It enables Java programs to
execute SQL statements.
Request Payload has
ENDPOINT (Specific URL where we send our requests to a certain web service. )
METHOD (Get•Post•Put•Patch•Delete)
HEADERS(Represents the metadata of request
or response. Like basically we can verify
the object type we are sending etc )
PARAMETERS(Parameters are to specifiying
even more about the request we are sending
like what specific resources needs to be returned etc.)
BODY(Body is where we sent or received the request we made)
For the repsonse
Basically we are checking response body
to verify if request matches with response.
In the response we are verifying
(body, status code, header, response time,
test structure of json against the given jsonSchema)