File _storedImage;
void _takePicture() async {
// 1. Create an ImagePicker instance.
final ImagePicker _picker = ImagePicker();
// 2. Use the new method.
// getImage now returns a PickedFile instead of a File (form dart:io)
final PickedFile pickedImage = await _picker.getImage( )
// 3. Check if an image has been picked or take with the camera.
if (pickedImage == null) {
// 4. Create a File from PickedFile so you can save the file locally
// This is a new/additional step.
File tmpFile = File(pickedFile.path);
// 5. Get the path to the apps directory so we can save the file to it.
final String path = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory().path;
final String fileName = basename(pickedFile.path); // Filename without extension
final String fileExtension = extension(pickedFile.path); // e.g. '.jpg'
// 6. Save the file by copying it to the new location on the device.
tmpFile = await tmpFile.copy('$path/$fileName$fileExtension');
// 7. Optionally, if you want to display the taken picture we need to update the state
// Note: Copying and awaiting the file needs to be done outside the setState function.
setState(() => _storedImage = tmpFile);