from bitcoin import *my_private_key = random_key()print(my_private_key)Save it as a .py file and then open your command line program and run the above program like this.python <program location and name>
#pip install bitcoin
from bitcoin import *
#Generate new private key
PrivateKey = random_key()
#Generate new public key from private key
PublicKey = privtopub(PrivateKey)
#Create new address from public key
addr = pubtoaddr(PublicKey)
print("My Public Address: " + addr)
print("My Private Address: " + PrivateKey)
from bitcoin import *my_private_key1 = random_key()print(‘Private Key 1: ‘ + my_private_key1)my_public_key1 = privtopub(my_private_key1)print(‘Public Key 1: ‘ + my_public_key1)my_private_key2 = random_key()print(‘Private Key 2: ‘ + my_private_key2)my_public_key2 = privtopub(my_private_key2)print(‘Public Key 2: ‘ + my_public_key2)my_private_key3 = random_key()print(‘Private Key 3: ‘ + my_private_key3)my_public_key3 = privtopub(my_private_key3)print(‘Public Key 3: ‘ + my_public_key3)my_multi_sig = mk_multisig_script(my_private_key1, my_private_key2, my_private_key3, 2,3)my_multi_address = scriptaddr(my_multi_sig)print(‘Multi-Address: ‘ + my_multi_address)