var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// made an array
for (var i = 0; array[i]; i++) // browse your array with this simple condition on index
console.log('element '+i+' = '+array[i]);
element 0 = 1
element 1 = 2
element 2 = 3
element 3 = 4
element 4 = 5
const cars = ["mazda", "BMW", "Volkswagen", "Audi"]
for (let i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) {
text += cars[i];
const colors = ["red","blue","green"];
for (const color of colors) {
char s1[] = "Semester 1."; char s2[] = "Semester 2."; if (strncmp(s1, s2, 10) == 0) printf("Equal\n"); else printf("Not equal\n"); }
+-- SystemExit
+-- KeyboardInterrupt
+-- GeneratorExit
+-- Exception
+-- StopIteration
+-- StopAsyncIteration
+-- ArithmeticError
| +-- FloatingPointError
| +-- OverflowError
| +-- ZeroDivisionError
+-- AssertionError
+-- AttributeError
+-- BufferError
+-- EOFError
+-- ImportError
| +-- ModuleNotFoundError
+-- LookupError
| +-- IndexError
| +-- KeyError
+-- MemoryError
+-- NameError
| +-- UnboundLocalError
+-- OSError
| +-- BlockingIOError
| +-- ChildProcessError
| +-- ConnectionError
| | +-- BrokenPipeError
| | +-- ConnectionAbortedError
| | +-- ConnectionRefusedError
| | +-- ConnectionResetError
| +-- FileExistsError
| +-- FileNotFoundError
| +-- InterruptedError
| +-- IsADirectoryError
| +-- NotADirectoryError
| +-- PermissionError
| +-- ProcessLookupError
| +-- TimeoutError
+-- ReferenceError
+-- RuntimeError
| +-- NotImplementedError
| +-- RecursionError
+-- SyntaxError
| +-- IndentationError
| +-- TabError
+-- SystemError
+-- TypeError
+-- ValueError
| +-- UnicodeError
| +-- UnicodeDecodeError
| +-- UnicodeEncodeError
| +-- UnicodeTranslateError
+-- Warning
+-- DeprecationWarning
+-- PendingDeprecationWarning
+-- RuntimeWarning
+-- SyntaxWarning
+-- UserWarning
+-- FutureWarning
+-- ImportWarning
+-- UnicodeWarning
+-- BytesWarning
+-- ResourceWarning
for (var j = 0; j < myArray.length; j++){
//pass an array of numbers into a function and log each number to the console
function yourFunctionsName(arrayToLoop){
//Initialize 'i' as your counter set to 0
//Keep looping while your counter 'i' is less than your arrays length
//After each loop the counter 'i' is to increased by 1
for(let i = 0; i <arrayToLoop.length; i++){
//during each loop we will console.log the current array's element
//we use 'i' to designate the current element's index in the array
//Function call below to pass in example array of numbers
yourFunctionsName([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'); // December 5th 2021, 7:39:21 pm
moment().format('dddd'); // Sunday
moment().format("MMM Do YY"); // Dec 5th 21
moment().format('YYYY [escaped] YYYY'); // 2021 escaped 2021
moment().format(); // 2021-12-05T19:39:21-08:00
String.prototype.replaceAt = function (index, char) {
return this.substr(0, index) + char + this.substr(index + char.length);
mystring.replaceAt(4, '')