echo base_path() . "\n";
echo app_path() . "\n";
echo public_path() . "\n";
echo storage_path() . "\n";
// Path to the project's root folder
echo base_path();
// Path to the 'app' folder
echo app_path();
// Path to the 'public' folder
echo public_path();
// Path to the 'storage' folder
echo storage_path();
// Path to the 'storage/app' folder
echo storage_path('app');
print base_path(); //c:\laragon\www\my_project
print app_path(); // c:\laragon\www\my_project\app
print public_path(); //c:\laragon\www\my_project\public
print storage_path(); //c:\laragon\www\my_project\storage
print storage_path('files'); //c:\laragon\www\my_project\storage\files
php artisan storage:link // for generating storage path