Open AndroidManifest.xml (located at android/app/src/main)
android:label="App Name" > // Your app name here
Open info.plist (located at ios/Runner)
<string>App Name</string> // Your app name here
#Don't forget to run
$ flutter clean
Open AndroidManifest.xml (located at android/app/src/main)
android:label="App Name" > // Your app name here
Open info.plist (located at ios/Runner)
<string>App Name</string> // Your app name here
You can easily do this with rename package,
It helps you to change your Flutter project's
AppName and BundleId for any platform you want.
To install the package run the following command:
flutter pub global activate rename
To rename the App, use the following command:
rename setAppName --targets ios,android,macos,windows,linux,web --value "Your App Name"
That's It!