int x=15, y=5;
Console.WriteLine("----- Logic Operators -----");
Console.WriteLine(x > 10 || 100 > x);
//the or operator in c sharp is "||" (key to the left of 1 btw ;))
if(a = 0 || b = 0)
//a or b is 0
// Logical operators are a way for us to make our programs
// more efficient and clean to read.
// instead of a lot of if statements inside eachother
// logical operators allow us to check a couple of boolean expressions
// in a single if statement
// We have 3 logical operators: not (!), and (&&), or (||)
// let's see an example of them being used.
int num = 25;
bool isNumEven = num % 2 == 0;
// Not operator (!)
if (!isNumEven){
Console.WriteLine("not operator");
// if the value of the boolean variable/expression is false
// the not operator will make the if statement true basically
// like it's flipping the values
// And operator (&&)
if (num - 5 == 20 && Math.Sqrt(num) == 5){
Console.WriteLine("And operator");
// only if both expressions are true the if will return
// true and run the code written inside it.
// it's enough for one expression to be false for the entire thing
// to be false
// or operator (||)
if (num % 10 == 0 || num % 10 == 5){
Console.WriteLine("Or operator");
// if only one expression is true the if will return
// true and run the code written inside it.
// but if all expressions are false the if will return false
float numberOne = 1;
string stringOne = "one";
if (numberOne == 1 || stringOne == "one")
print("numberOne or stringOne = 1")
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int x=10, y=5;
Console.WriteLine("----- Logic Operators -----");
Console.WriteLine(x > 10 && y < 10);