You could try some string manipulation to get it in an expected JSON format, and then use ConvertFrom-Json to convert it to a PSCustomObject.
Simple Example: (simple because this assumes that these characters being replaced will only be delimiters)
# First, clean up the string.
PS C:\> $mystring = "@{Account='User01';Domain='Domain01';Admin='True'}"
PS C:\> $mystring = $mystring -replace "^@", ""
PS C:\> $mystring = $mystring -replace "=", ":"
PS C:\> $mystring = $mystring -replace ";", ","
PS C:\> $mystring
# Afterwards, convert to PSCustomObject.
PS C:\> $myobject = $mystring | ConvertFrom-Json
PS C:\> $myobject
Account Domain Admin
------- ------ -----
User01 Domain01 True