contract Varibles {
//like other programming language it contain number,string,boolean
//expect this it contain address and byte32
//type name = value; //declaration
int number = 4; //sign and unsign upto 256 bit
int16 anotherNumber = 1; //sign and unsign upto 16 bit.It will save gas.
uint unsignedNumber = 12;// only positve number
bool boolean = true; //true or false
address myAddress= "0xFF23E6C7B0D55c796C97ab8aFF1d755F12aFD3C2";
string myName= "Shirshak Kandel";
byte32 position="Full stack";//byte32 convert string into byte which save gas.
//state variable => available in whole contract.
//localvariable => only available inside function.
int public publicVariable = 32;//public is visibility that means we can call
//from outside of contact.
int internal internalVariable= 1231 // only modified by this contract.
int private privateVariable = 987 //only modified by this contract no inheritance