const options = {
// Number of posts to scrape: {int default: 20}
number: 50,
// Scrape posts published since this date: { int default: 0}
since: 0,
// Set session: {string[] default: ['']}
// Authenticated session cookie value is required to scrape user/trending/music/hashtag feed
// You can put here any number of sessions, each request will select random session from the list
sessionList: ['sid_tt=21312213'],
// Set proxy {string[] | string default: ''}
// http proxy:
// socks proxy: socks5://
// You can pass proxies as an array and scraper will randomly select a proxy from the array to execute the requests
proxy: '',
// Set to {true} to search by user id: {boolean default: false}
by_user_id: false,
// How many post should be downloaded asynchronously. Only if {download:true}: {int default: 5}
asyncDownload: 5,
// How many post should be scraped asynchronously: {int default: 3}
// Current option will be applied only with current types: music and hashtag
// With other types it is always 1 because every request response to the TikTok API is providing the "maxCursor" value
// that is required to send the next request
asyncScraping: 3,
// File path where all files will be saved: {string default: 'CURRENT_DIR'}
filepath: `CURRENT_DIR`,
// Custom file name for the output files: {string default: ''}
fileName: `CURRENT_DIR`,
// Output with information can be saved to a CSV or JSON files: {string default: 'na'}
// 'csv' to save in csv
// 'json' to save in json
// 'all' to save in json and csv
// 'na' to skip this step
filetype: `na`,
// Set custom headers: user-agent, cookie and etc
// NOTE: When you parse video feed or single video metadata then in return you will receive {headers} object
// that was used to extract the information and in order to access and download video through received {videoUrl} value you need to use same headers
headers: {
'user-agent': "BLAH",
referer: '',
cookie: `tt_webid_v2=68dssds`,
// Download video without the watermark: {boolean default: false}
// Set to true to download without the watermark
// This option will affect the execution speed
noWaterMark: false,
// Create link to HD video: {boolean default: false}
// This option will only work if {noWaterMark} is set to {true}
hdVideo: false,
// verifyFp is used to verify the request and avoid captcha
// When you are using proxy then there are high chances that the request will be
// blocked with captcha
// You can set your own verifyFp value or default(hardcoded) will be used
verifyFp: '',
// Switch main host to Tiktok test enpoint.
// When your requests are blocked by captcha you can try to use Tiktok test endpoints.
useTestEndpoints: false
docker ps # current containers
docker run # create and start the container
docker create # create container
docker exec # to run commands in container for once
docker volume # create a docker volume
docker network # create a docker network
docker rm # remove container
docker images # list the images
docker rmi # remove image
docker build # build a new image from dockerfile
docker push # push your image to docker repo
docker pull # download an image from docker repo
docker commit # create an image from container
docker build #Build an image from a Dockerfile.
docker pull #Pull an image or a repository from a registry.
docker push #Push an image or a repository to a registry.
docker run #Run a container from an image.
docker ps #List running containers.
docker ps -a #List all containers (including stopped ones).
docker stop #Stop one or more running containers.
docker start #Start one or more stopped containers.
docker restart #Restart a running or stopped container.
docker exec #Execute a command in a running container.
docker logs #View logs from a container.
docker images #List images on your system.
docker rmi #Remove one or more images.
docker volume ls #List volumes.
docker network ls #List networks.
docker-compose #Manage multi-container applications with Docker Compose.
docker inspect #View detailed information about a container, image, volume, or network.
docker-compose up #Create and start containers defined in a docker-compose.yml file.
docker-compose down #Stop and remove containers defined in a docker-compose.yml file.
docker-compose build --no-cache #build docker with no cache
docker compose up #run docker
docker system prune #remove images and container
docker exec -it image_name #to access image's command line
Planka Alternative Trello SelfHosted
version: '3'
command: >
bash -c
"for i in `seq 1 30`; do
./ &&
s=$$? && break || s=$$?;
echo \"Tried $$i times. Waiting 5 seconds...\";
sleep 5;
done; (exit $$s)"
restart: unless-stopped
- user-avatars:/app/public/user-avatars
- project-background-images:/app/public/project-background-images
- attachments:/app/private/attachments
- 3000:1337
- BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000
- DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres@postgres/planka
- SECRET_KEY=notsecretkey
# related:
# As knex does not pass query parameters from the connection string we
# have to use environment variables in order to pass the desired values, e.g.
# - PGSSLMODE=<value>
# Configure knex to accept SSL certificates
- postgres
image: postgres:14-alpine
restart: unless-stopped
- db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- POSTGRES_DB=planka
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.admin.yml run backup_db
FROM risingstack/alpine:3.3-v4.2.6-1.1.3
COPY package.json package.json
RUN npm install
# Add your source files
COPY . .
CMD ["npm","start"]
docker run -d -n riscv -p 6080:80 -e USER=riscv -e PASSWORD=riscv -e RESOLUTION=1920x1080 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc
.user(id, options) //Scrape posts from a specific user (Promise)
.hashtag(id, options) //Scrape posts from hashtag section (Promise)
.trend('', options) // Scrape posts from a trends section (Promise)
.music(id, options) // Scrape posts by music id (Promise)
.userEvent(id, options) //Scrape posts from a specific user (Event)
.hashtagEvent(id, options) //Scrape posts from hashtag section (Event)
.trendEvent('', options) // Scrape posts from a trends section (Event)
.musicEvent(id, options) // Scrape posts by music id (Event)
.getUserProfileInfo('USERNAME', options) // Get user profile information
.getHashtagInfo('HASHTAG', options) // Get hashtag information
.signUrl('URL', options) // Get signature for the request
.getVideoMeta('WEB_VIDEO_URL', options) // Get video meta info, including video url without the watermark
.getMusicInfo('', options) // Get music metadata