// Created by merom on 4/28/2022.
#ifndef LIB7_28_04_2022_STUDENT_H
#define LIB7_28_04_2022_STUDENT_H
#define LIB7_28_04_2022_STUDENT_H
#define MAX_COURSES 100
#define NO_GRADE -1
typedef unsigned int Course ;
typedef unsigned int Grade;
typedef struct Student Student;
void StudentDestroy(struct Student* student);
struct Student * StudentCreate(const char * name , const char * id);
void StudentSetGrade(struct Student * stud , Course course, Grade grade );
Grade StudentGetGrade(Student * stud, Grade grade);
#endif //LIB7_28_04_2022_STUDENT_H
#ifndef FOO_H_ /* Include guard */
#define FOO_H_
int foo(int x); /* An example function declaration */
#endif // FOO_H_
#ifndef SET_H
#define SET_H
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef int* Element;
typedef struct set_rec* Set;
Set SetCreate();
void SetDestroy(Set);
void SetAdd(Set, const Element);
void SetRemove(const Set, const Element);
bool SetIsIn(const Set, const Element);
bool SetIsEmpty(const Set);
const Element SetNext(Set);
const Element SetFirst(Set);
Using math.h, The value is : 4096
Using stdlib.h, the string to long int : 53875
Using string.h, the strings s2 and s3 : World World