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<p class="text-xs ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-sm ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-base ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-lg ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-2xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-3xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-4xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-5xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-6xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-7xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-8xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
<p class="text-9xl ...">The quick brown fox </p>
Small ( sm: )—640 pixels and up.
Medium ( md: )—768 pixels and up.
Large ( lg: )—1024 pixels and up.
Extra large ( xl: )—1280 pixels and up.
Extra extra large ( 2xl: )—1536 pixels and up.
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