static SOME_INT: i32 = 5;
static SOME_STR: &'static str = "A static string";
static SOME_STRUCT: MyStruct = MyStruct {
number: 10,
string: "Some string",
static mut db: Option<sqlite::Connection> = None;
fn main() {
println!("{}", SOME_INT);
println!("{}", SOME_STR);
println!("{}", SOME_STRUCT.number);
println!("{}", SOME_STRUCT.string);
unsafe {
db = Some(open_database());
struct MyStruct {
number: i32,
string: &'static str,
/* Note:
The initial access to the static mut has to be unsafe.
// if you need a constant global variable use const
// remember to uppercase the variable name
const IP_ADDRESS: &'static str = ""
// if you need it to be mutable use static
static IP_ADDRESS: &str = ""