struct Vector2; // Vector2 type
struct Vector3; // Vector3 type
struct Vector4; // Vector4 type
struct Quaternion; // Quaternion type
struct Matrix; // Matrix type (OpenGL style 4x4)
struct Color; // Color type, RGBA (32bit)
struct Rectangle; // Rectangle type
struct Image; // Image type (multiple pixel formats supported)
// NOTE: Data stored in CPU memory (RAM)
struct Texture; // Texture type (multiple internal formats supported)
// NOTE: Data stored in GPU memory (VRAM)
struct RenderTexture; // RenderTexture type, for texture rendering
struct NPatchInfo; // N-Patch layout info
struct GlyphInfo; // Font character glyph info
struct Font; // Font type, includes texture and chars data
struct Camera; // Camera type, defines 3d camera position/orientation
struct Camera2D; // Camera2D type, defines a 2d camera
struct Mesh; // Vertex data definning a mesh
struct Shader; // Shader type (generic shader)
struct MaterialMap; // Material texture map
struct Material; // Material type
struct Model; // Basic 3d Model type
struct Transform; // Transformation (used for bones)
struct BoneInfo; // Bone information
struct ModelAnimation; // Model animation data (bones and frames)
struct Ray; // Ray type (useful for raycast)
struct RayCollision; // Raycast hit information
struct BoundingBox; // Bounding box type for 3d mesh
struct Wave; // Wave type, defines audio wave data
struct Sound; // Basic Sound source and buffer
struct Music; // Music type (file streaming from memory)
struct AudioStream; // Raw audio stream type
struct VrDeviceInfo; // VR device parameters
struct VrStereoConfig; // VR Stereo rendering configuration for simulator