def baseboard(width, length, baseboardcost):
perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
return perimeter * baseboardcost
def carpet(width, length, carpetcost):
return width * length * carpetcost
width = float(input('What is the width of the room? (ft) '))
length = float(input('What is the length of t5he room? (ft) '))
totalbaseboardcost = float(input('Input the cost of a linear foot of baseboard ($) '))
carpetcost = float(input('Input the cost of a square foot of carpet($) '))
totalcost = baseboard(width, length, totalbaseboardcost) + carpet(width, length, carpetcost) + 500
print ('For a room of width',width,'and length',length,'the cost of the reno is $',totalcost,)