class Solution:
def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
result = []
for i in zip(*strs):
if len(set(i)) != 1:
return "".join(result)
"""The zip() method returns a zip object, which is an iterator of tuples where
the first item in each passed iterator is paired together, and then the second item in
each passed iterator are paired together etc.
If the passed iterators have different lengths, the iterator with the least items
decides the length of the new iterator.
set() method is used to convert any of the iterable to sequence of iterable elements
with distinct elements, commonly called Set.
Task = Solution()
print("3a. ",Task.longestCommonPrefix(["flower","flow","flight"]))
print("3b. ",Task.longestCommonPrefix(["dog","racecar","car"]))
// Java Program to find the longest common
// prefix of the given words
public class Longest_common_prefix {
// Alphabet size (# of symbols)
static final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26;
// Trie node
static class TrieNode
TrieNode[] children = new TrieNode[ALPHABET_SIZE];
// isLeaf is true if the node represents
// end of a word
boolean isLeaf;
// constructor
public TrieNode() {
isLeaf = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++)
children[i] = null;
static TrieNode root;
static int indexs;
// If not present, inserts the key into the trie
// If the key is a prefix of trie node, just marks
// leaf node
static void insert(String key)
int length = key.length();
int index;
TrieNode pCrawl = root;
for (int level = 0; level < length; level++)
index = key.charAt(level) - 'a';
if (pCrawl.children[index] == null)
pCrawl.children[index] = new TrieNode();
pCrawl = pCrawl.children[index];
// mark last node as leaf
pCrawl.isLeaf = true;
// Counts and returns the number of children of the
// current node
static int countChildren(TrieNode node)
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<ALPHABET_SIZE; i++)
if (node.children[i] != null)
indexs = i;
return (count);
// Perform a walk on the trie and return the
// longest common prefix string
static String walkTrie()
TrieNode pCrawl = root;
indexs = 0;
String prefix = "";
while (countChildren(pCrawl) == 1 &&
pCrawl.isLeaf == false)
pCrawl = pCrawl.children[indexs];
prefix += (char)('a' + indexs);
return prefix;
// A Function to construct trie
static void constructTrie(String arr[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
insert (arr[i]);
// A Function that returns the longest common prefix
// from the array of strings
static String commonPrefix(String arr[], int n)
root = new TrieNode();
constructTrie(arr, n);
// Perform a walk on the trie
return walkTrie();
// Driver program to test above function
public static void main(String args[])
String arr[] = {"geeksforgeeks", "geeks",
"geek", "geezer"};
int n = arr.length;
String ans = commonPrefix(arr, n);
if (ans.length() != 0)
System.out.println("The longest common prefix is "+ans);
System.out.println("There is no common prefix");
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh
class Solution:
def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
result = ""
for i in range(len(strs[0])): # Pick any word in the list and loop through its length. Thats the number of times youre to loop thu the list
# because your answer cant be longer in length than any word in the list
for word in strs: # loop through the words in the the list so you can use the word[i] to acces the letters of each word
if i == len(word) or word[i] != strs[0][i]: # stop code by returning result if loop count(i) is same as length of your chosen word
return result # or if theres no more similar between other words and your chosen word
result = result + strs[0][i] # otherwise keep adding the similar letters that occur in same position in all the words to the result
Task = Solution()
class Solution {
string longestCommonPrefix(vector<string>& strs) {
* @param {string[]} strs
* @return {string}
var longestCommonPrefix = function(strs) {
# @param {String[]} strs
# @return {String}
def longest_common_prefix(strs)
class Solution {
func longestCommonPrefix(_ strs: [String]) -> String {