To install Git on Windows 10, follow these steps:
1. Download the Git for Windows installer from the official website: https:
2. Run the downloaded installer and follow the installation wizard's instructions.
3. During the installation process, you can customize the installation options according to your preferences. The default options should work well for most users.
4. On the "Select Components" screen, make sure that the "Git Bash Here" option is selected. This will enable Git Bash, a terminal emulator that allows you to use Git commands.
5. On the "Choosing the default editor" screen, you can leave the default option (Use Vim) or choose a different text editor that you prefer.
6. Optionally, you can also choose the desired behavior for line ending conversions on the "Configuring the line ending conversions" screen. The recommended option is to keep the default setting (Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings).
7. On the "Configuring the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash" screen, select the default option (Use MinTTY).
8. Leave all other settings as default, and complete the installation process.
Once the installation is finished, you should be able to use Git on your Windows 10 system. You can open Git Bash by right-clicking in any folder, selecting the "Git Bash Here" option, and a new terminal window will appear.
To verify that Git is installed correctly, you can open a command prompt or Git Bash and run the following command to see the installed Git version:
git --version