// A* (star) Pathfinding// Initialize both open and closed list
let the openList equal empty list of nodes
let the closedList equal empty list of nodes// Add the start node
put the startNode on the openList (leave it's f at zero)// Loop until you find the end
while the openList is not empty // Get the current node
let the currentNode equal the node with the least f value
remove the currentNode from the openList
add the currentNode to the closedList // Found the goal
if currentNode is the goal
Congratz! You've found the end! Backtrack to get path // Generate children
let the children of the currentNode equal the adjacent nodes
for each child in the children // Child is on the closedList
if child is in the closedList
continue to beginning of for loop // Create the f, g, and h values
child.g = currentNode.g + distance between child and current
child.h = distance from child to end
child.f = child.g + child.h // Child is already in openList
if child.position is in the openList's nodes positions
if the child.g is higher than the openList node's g
continue to beginning of for loop // Add the child to the openList
add the child to the openList
1. If the matrix A has no columns, the current partial solution
is a valid solution; terminate successfully.
2. Otherwise, choose a column c (deterministically).
3. Choose a row r such that A[r] = 1 (nondeterministically).
4. Include row r in the partial solution.
5. For each column j such that A[r][j] = 1,
for each row i such that A[i][j] = 1,
delete row i from matrix A.
delete column j from matrix A.
6. Repeat this algorithm recursively on the reduced matrix A.