The coordinates of are available here.
You can refer to the mesh image example which has the points as well but you would need to zoom in and check them manually.
These are the exact coordinates that you would need for your use case.
lipsUpperOuter: [61, 185, 40, 39, 37, 0, 267, 269, 270, 409, 291]
lipsLowerOuter: [146, 91, 181, 84, 17, 314, 405, 321, 375, 291]
lipsUpperInner: [78, 191, 80, 81, 82, 13, 312, 311, 310, 415, 308]
lipsLowerInner: [78, 95, 88, 178, 87, 14, 317, 402, 318, 324, 308]
rightEyeUpper0: [246, 161, 160, 159, 158, 157, 173]
rightEyeLower0: [33, 7, 163, 144, 145, 153, 154, 155, 133]
rightEyeUpper1: [247, 30, 29, 27, 28, 56, 190]
rightEyeLower1: [130, 25, 110, 24, 23, 22, 26, 112, 243]
rightEyeUpper2: [113, 225, 224, 223, 222, 221, 189]
rightEyeLower2: [226, 31, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 244]
rightEyeLower3: [143, 111, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 128, 245]
rightEyebrowUpper: [156, 70, 63, 105, 66, 107, 55, 193]
rightEyebrowLower: [35, 124, 46, 53, 52, 65]
rightEyeIris: [473, 474, 475, 476, 477]
leftEyeUpper0: [466, 388, 387, 386, 385, 384, 398]
leftEyeLower0: [263, 249, 390, 373, 374, 380, 381, 382, 362]
leftEyeUpper1: [467, 260, 259, 257, 258, 286, 414]
leftEyeLower1: [359, 255, 339, 254, 253, 252, 256, 341, 463]
leftEyeUpper2: [342, 445, 444, 443, 442, 441, 413]
leftEyeLower2: [446, 261, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 464]
leftEyeLower3: [372, 340, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 357, 465]
leftEyebrowUpper: [383, 300, 293, 334, 296, 336, 285, 417]
leftEyebrowLower: [265, 353, 276, 283, 282, 295]
leftEyeIris: [468, 469, 470, 471, 472]