I find that it is only bad practice in that it can lead to a number of variables
which future maintainers (or yourself in a few weeks) have no idea where
they are coming from.
Consider this scenario:
echo $someVariable;
Where did $someVariable come from? How can anyone tell?
I dont see the problem in accessing the variables from within the array they
started in, so you would really need to present a good case for using extract()
for me to think it is worth it. If you are really concerned about typing out
some extra characters then just do this:
$a = $someLongNameOfTheVariableArrayIDidntWantToType;
I think the comments here on the security aspects of it are overblown somewhat.
The function can take a second parameter that actually gives you fairly good
control over the
newly created variables, including not overwriting any existing variables
(EXTR_SKIP), ONLY overwriting existing variables (so you can create a whitelist)
(EXTR_IF_EXISTS), or adding prefixes to the variables (EXTR_PREFIX_ALL).