import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
final oCcy = new NumberFormat("#,##0.00", "en_US");
void main () {
print("Eg. 1: ${oCcy.format(123456789.75)}");
print("Eg. 2: ${oCcy.format(.7)}");
print("Eg. 3: ${oCcy.format(12345678975/100)}");
print("Eg. 4: ${oCcy.format(int.parse('12345678975')/100)}");
print("Eg. 5: ${oCcy.format(double.parse('123456789.75'))}");
/* Output :
Eg. 1: 123,456,789.75
Eg. 2: 0.70
Eg. 3: 123,456,789.75
Eg. 4: 123,456,789.75
Eg. 5: 123,456,789.75
pubspec.yaml :
name: testCcy002
version: 0.0.1
author: BOH
description: Test Currency Format from intl.
intl: any
Run pub install to install "intl"
final oCcy = NumberFormat.currency(
locale: 'eu',
customPattern: '#,### \u00a4',
symbol: 'FCFA',
decimalDigits: 2);
print(oCcy.format(12345)) // 12.345,00 FCFA
final indianRupeesFormat = NumberFormat.currency(
name: "INR",
locale: 'en_IN',
decimalDigits: 0, // change it to get decimal places
symbol: '₹ ',