How to solve the Rubik's Cube:
Things you need to know:
Cube Notation
R means turn the right side clockwise.
L means turn the left side clockwise.
U means turn the top (or up) side clockwise.
D means turn the bottom (or down) side clockwise.
F means front clockwise
B means back clock
If you have a letter with an apostrophe, like R' it means turn the side counterclockwise.
If you have a letter with a number after it like R2, it means turn the side that amount of times.
Generally you won't need to turn a side 3 times.
With the beginners method, we solve the cube layer by layer.
Step 1: white daisy
In order to solve this step, we need the white edges (an edge is a piece with 2 colors, a white edge is an edge with white as one of its colors.) facing upwards around the yellow center (a piece with one color), like a daisy.
We will put the white edges around the yellow center one by one.
First turn the cube so that the yellow center is on the top.
Then find a white edge.
case 1:
If the edge is on the side, turn the cube so that the white is facing towards you, and then turn either the right or left side, depending which side the edge is on.
case 2:
If the edge is on the top but facing towards you instead of upwards, turn the cube so that the white is facing towards you, and then turn the front side, which turns it into the first case (look above).
case 3:
If the edge is on the bottom, and facing down, turn the face (but not the bottom face) with the edge once and then do case 1.
case 4:
If the edge is on the bottom and facing towards you, do the same thing as Case 2.
repeat this until the white daisy is solved.
When you are in Case 1, turning the side may result in it moving another white edge away from the yellow center.
In order to prevent this, turn the top until the this does not happen.
(for some reason grepper won't let me put a really long answer here so the rest of the tutorial is in the comments)