//string using array of charcters
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char ch1[5]={'a','b','c','d','\0'}; //(\0)=NULL
char ch2[4]="HHH";
cout <<"ch1: " << ch1 << endl;
cout <<"ch2: " << ch2 << endl;
//copying string to another
strcpy (ch2,ch1);
cout <<"ch2 after strcpy: " << ch2 << endl;
//concatinating 2 stringd
strcat (ch1,ch2);
cout <<"ch2 after strcat: " << ch1 << endl;
//comparing 2 strings
cout << strcmp("aaa","bcd");
// prints(0) if they are equal
// prints(1) if first < second
// prints(-1) if second > first
//getting the length of the string
cout <<"Size of array: " << strlen (ch2);