// Description below the solution
const stringTheory = p => {
let vowel = 0, consenant = 0, insertPV = "", invertCase = "",
splitP = p.split(""), dashedP = p.split(" ").join("-")
splitP.forEach((letter, index) => {
if(letter.match(/[aeiou]/gi)) {
vowel += 1
insertPV += `pv${letter}`
if(letter.match(/[^aeiou]/gi)) {
if(letter.match(/[^" "]/g)) consenant += 1
insertPV += letter
if(/[A-Z]/.test(letter)) invertCase += letter.toLowerCase()
else invertCase += letter.toUpperCase()
const invertedCaseResult = invertCase.split(" ")
.reverse().join(" ")
return `${vowel} ${consenant}::${invertedCaseResult}
For a given sentence p, return the following:
how many vowels and consonants p has, we do not count Y and W
as vowels
p with reversed words order and reversed cases (any upper-case
letter will be lower-case and every lower-case letter will be
every word in p separated by a dash ('-')
p with inserted string "pv" before any vowel in the sentence
Take into consideration that p can have any kind of characters.
You have to return a string containing the above queries,
separated by double colon ("::")
string p
string combined_queries
This is how combined_queries should look like:
nr_vowels nr_consonants::reversed_p_with_reversed_cases
"ThIs is p"
2 5::P IS tHiS::ThIs-is-p::ThpvIs pvis p
// With love @kouqhar