extends TileMap
# Empty/invisible tile marked as completely walkable. The ID of the tile should correspond
# to the order in which it was created in the tileset editor.
export(int) var _nav_tile_id := 0
func _ready() -> void:
# Find the bounds of the tilemap (there is no 'size' property available)
var bounds_min := Vector2.ZERO
var bounds_max := Vector2.ZERO
for pos in get_used_cells():
if pos.x < bounds_min.x:
bounds_min.x = int(pos.x)
elif pos.x > bounds_max.x:
bounds_max.x = int(pos.x)
if pos.y < bounds_min.y:
bounds_min.y = int(pos.y)
elif pos.y > bounds_max.y:
bounds_max.y = int(pos.y)
# Replace all empty tiles with the provided navigation tile
for x in range(bounds_min.x, bounds_max.x):
for y in range(bounds_min.y, bounds_max.y):
if get_cell(x, y) == -1:
set_cell(x, y, _nav_tile_id)
# Force the navigation mesh to update immediately