# STEPS (automation script is provided at the bottom):
# 1. Press Windows+R to open Run dialog
# 2. Copy/paste the below address and press Enter
# 3. Copy all the files and paste them in a different location (say D:\Temp)
# 4. Navigate to the new location (D:\Temp) using cmd
# 5. Rename all the files using the following command in cmd
ren *.* *.jpg
# 6. VOILA...your wallpapers can be found in the new location (D:\Temp)
# Save the below code in a batch file (windows_wallpapers.bat) and just run it
# Source: https://github.com/astr0n0mer/tools-and-resources/blob/main/qol-scripts-for-windows/script-get_windows_lockscreen_wallpapers.bat
@echo off
SET destinationFolder=windows-lockscreen-wallpapers
if not exist "%destinationFolder%" mkdir "%destinationFolder%"
copy "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets\*.*" "%destinationFolder%"
cd "%destinationFolder%"
ren *.* *.jpg
del *.