create or replace function get_film_titles(p_year integer)
returns text as $$
titles text default '';
rec_film record;
cur_films cursor(p_year integer)
for select title, release_year
from film
where release_year = p_year;
-- open the cursor
open cur_films(p_year);
-- fetch row into the film
fetch cur_films into rec_film;
-- exit when no more row to fetch
exit when not found;
-- build the output
if rec_film.title like '%ful%' then
titles := titles || ',' || rec_film.title || ':' || rec_film.release_year;
end if;
end loop;
-- close the cursor
close cur_films;
return titles;
end; $$
language plpgsql;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)