void remove_char(char s[], char ch){
unsigned int strLen = strlen(s);
// Place ' ' where ch appears
unsigned int cnt_ch =0 , temp=0;
int j=0;
while ( j < strLen ){
if( s[j] == ch ){
cnt_ch ++; temp ++; // count number of ch, temp will count if there is more than ch followed by
// if another char appeared != ch
}else if ( temp > 0 && s[j] != ch ){
// assign the current index value to k
int k = j;
while ( temp -- ) k --; // reduce k by the number of the appearance of ch
temp = cnt_ch; // assign back temp = cnt_ch
s[k] = s[j]; // assign the value of current char to s[k] where ch appears
s[j] = ' '; // place ' ' instead of the current char
s[strLen - cnt_ch ] ='\0';
for(char * c= s; *c; c++){
printf("%c", *c);