import nmap
scanner = nmap.PortScanner()
ip_addr = ''
response = input("""\nPlease enter the type of scan you want to run
1)SYN ACK Scan
2)UDP Scan
3)Comprehensive Scan
4)Regular Scan
5. OS Detection
6. Multiple IP inputs
7. Ping Scan\n""")
print("You have selected option: ", response)
# If user's input is 1, perform a SYN/ACK scan
if response == '1':
print("Nmap Version: ", scanner.nmap_version())
# Here, v is used for verbose, which means if selected it will give extra information
# 1-1024 means the port number we want to search on
#-sS means perform a TCP SYN connect scan, it send the SYN packets to the host
scanner.scan(ip_addr,'1-1024', '-v -sS')
# state() tells if target is up or down
print("Ip Status: ", scanner[ip_addr].state())
# all_protocols() tells which protocols are enabled like TCP UDP etc
print("Open Ports: ", scanner[ip_addr]['tcp'].keys())
# If user's input is 2, perform a UDP Scan
elif response == '2':
# Here, v is used for verbose, which means if selected it will give #extra information
# 1-1024 means the port number we want to search on
#-sU means perform a UDP SYN connect scan, it send the SYN packets to #the host
print("Nmap Version: ", scanner.nmap_version())
scanner.scan(ip_addr, '1-1024', '-v -sU')
# state() tells if target is up or down
print("Ip Status: ", scanner[ip_addr].state())
# all_protocols() tells which protocols are enabled like TCP UDP etc
print("Open Ports: ", scanner[ip_addr]['udp'].keys())
# If user's input is 3, perform a Comprehensive scan
elif response == '3':
print("Nmap Version: ", scanner.nmap_version())
# sS for SYN scan, sv probe open ports to determine what service and version they are running on
# O determine OS type, A tells Nmap to make an effort in identifying the target OS
scanner.scan(ip_addr, '1-1024', '-v -sS -sV -sC -A -O')
print("Ip Status: ", scanner[ip_addr].state())
print("Open Ports: ", scanner[ip_addr]['tcp'].keys())
# If user's input is 4, perform a Regular Scan
elif response == '4':
# Works on default arguments
print("Ip Status: ", scanner[ip_addr].state())
print("Open Ports: ", scanner[ip_addr]['tcp'].keys())
elif response == '5':
print(scanner.scan("", arguments="-O")['scan']['']['osmatch'][1])
elif response == '6':
ip_addr = input()
print("Nmap Version: ", scanner.nmap_version())
# Here, v is used for verbose, which means if selected it will give extra information
# 1-1024 means the port number we want to search on
#-sS means perform a TCP SYN connect scan, it send the SYN packets to the host
scanner.scan(ip_addr,'1-1024', '-v -sS')
# state() tells if target is up or down
print("Ip Status: ", scanner[ip_addr].state())
# all_protocols() tells which protocols are enabled like TCP UDP etc
print("Open Ports: ", scanner[ip_addr]['tcp'].keys())
elif response == '7':
scanner.scan(hosts='', arguments='-n -sP -PE -PA21,23,80,3389')
hosts_list = [(x, scanner[x]['status']['state']) for x in scanner.all_hosts()]
for host, status in hosts_list:
print('{0}:{1}'.format(host, status))
print("Please choose a number from the options above")