This implementation demonstrates how
to efficiently implement the so-called
Euler's totient function.
This function takes an integer n as
input and returns the number of integers
between 1 and n that are coprime with n.
Two numbers are said to be coprime if their
greatest common divisor is equal to 1.
Time complexity: O(sqrt(n))
Space complexity: O(1)
# The count of coprimes for n can be determined
# through the prime factors of n as follows.
def totient_function(n):
answer = n
div = 2
while div * div <= n:
if n % div == 0:
# This factor along with its multiples
# are not coprimes with n.
answer -= answer
# Before turning to next prime factor,
# remove all occurrences of current factor
# from n.
while n % div == 0:
n = n
div += 1
# Process the last prime factor, if need be
if n > 1:
answer -= answer
return answer
# Number of ints that are coprime with 5 = 4
print(totient_function(5)) # 4
# Number of ints that are coprime with 5 = 8
print(totient_function(20)) # 8