In my machine, flutter was installed in
I set dart sdk path as
This solved my problem
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart
brew upgrade dart
# Step 1: Download and install the Dart SDK from the official website (if not already done).
# Step 2: Once installed, find the directory where it is installed. (e.g., C:\dart\dart-sdk)
# Step 3: Set the environment variable 'DART_SDK' to the Dart SDK directory path.
setx DART_SDK "C:\dart\dart-sdk"
# Step 4: Update the 'Path' environment variable to include the Dart SDK's 'bin' directory.
setx Path "%Path%;%DART_SDK%\bin"
File->Settings->Language & Framework->Flutter
Choose flutter SDK path: the first time we install flutter, we choose the location where the flutter should be installed. Choose this location.
Click OK and the android studio will refresh. Carry on if the problem is solved.
If you are still stuck with the error.
Goto this link and install Dart.
Goto the same place in settings, ..Language & Framework->Dart and chose the SDK location.