Option Explicit
Dim TaskName,AppFullPath,StartTime,Frequency
'************* Four params can be changed here********************
TaskName = "Execute Notepad by Hackoo"
AppFullPath = "C:\windows\notepad.exe"
StartTime = "10:00"
Frequency = "Minute"
REM The value of frequency can be taken
REM https:
REM Don't change anything under this line
'************************** Main *********************************
Call CreateTask(TaskName,AppFullPath,StartTime,Frequency)
Sub CreateTask(TaskName,AppFullPath,StartTime,Frequency)
Dim ws,strtask,exitcode
Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
strtask = "schtasks /create /sc "& Frequency &" /tn "& qq(TaskName) & _
" /tr "& qq(AppFullPath) & _
" /st " & StartTime & " /f"
exitcode = ws.Run(strtask, 0, True)
If exitcode <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "External command failed: " & Hex(exitcode)
wscript.echo "The Task "& qq(TaskName) & " is created successfully !"& vbcrlf &_
"to be run "& qq(Frequency) &" with a StartTime at " & qq(StartTime) & ""
End If
End Sub
Function qq(str)
qq = chr(34) & str & chr(34)
End Function