def scraptweets(search_words, date_since, numTweets, numRuns):
# Define a for-loop to generate tweets at regular intervals
# We cannot make large API call in one go. Hence, let's try T times
# Define a pandas dataframe to store the date:
db_tweets = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['username', 'acctdesc', 'location', 'following',
'followers', 'totaltweets', 'usercreatedts', 'tweetcreatedts',
'retweetcount', 'text', 'hashtags']
program_start = time.time()
for i in range(0, numRuns):
# We will time how long it takes to scrape tweets for each run:
start_run = time.time()
# Collect tweets using the Cursor object
# .Cursor() returns an object that you can iterate or loop over to access the data collected.
# Each item in the iterator has various attributes that you can access to get information about each tweet
tweets = tweepy.Cursor(, q=search_words, lang="en", since=date_since, tweet_mode='extended').items(numTweets)
# Store these tweets into a python list
tweet_list = [tweet for tweet in tweets]
# Obtain the following info (methods to call them out):
# user.screen_name - twitter handle
# user.description - description of account
# user.location - where is he tweeting from
# user.friends_count - no. of other users that user is following (following)
# user.followers_count - no. of other users who are following this user (followers)
# user.statuses_count - total tweets by user
# user.created_at - when the user account was created
# created_at - when the tweet was created
# retweet_count - no. of retweets
# (deprecated) user.favourites_count - probably total no. of tweets that is favourited by user
# retweeted_status.full_text - full text of the tweet
# tweet.entities['hashtags'] - hashtags in the tweet
# Begin scraping the tweets individually:
noTweets = 0
for tweet in tweet_list:
# Pull the values
username = tweet.user.screen_name
acctdesc = tweet.user.description
location = tweet.user.location
following = tweet.user.friends_count
followers = tweet.user.followers_count
totaltweets = tweet.user.statuses_count
usercreatedts = tweet.user.created_at
tweetcreatedts = tweet.created_at
retweetcount = tweet.retweet_count
hashtags = tweet.entities['hashtags']
text = tweet.retweeted_status.full_text
except AttributeError: # Not a Retweet
text = tweet.full_text
# Add the 11 variables to the empty list - ith_tweet:
ith_tweet = [username, acctdesc, location, following, followers, totaltweets,
usercreatedts, tweetcreatedts, retweetcount, text, hashtags]
# Append to dataframe - db_tweets
db_tweets.loc[len(db_tweets)] = ith_tweet
# increase counter - noTweets
noTweets += 1
# Run ended:
end_run = time.time()
duration_run = round((end_run-start_run)/60, 2)
print('no. of tweets scraped for run {} is {}'.format(i + 1, noTweets))
print('time take for {} run to complete is {} mins'.format(i+1, duration_run))
time.sleep(920) #15 minute sleep time
# Once all runs have completed, save them to a single csv file:
from datetime import datetime
# Obtain timestamp in a readable format
to_csv_timestamp ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
# Define working path and filename
path = os.getcwd()
filename = path + '/data/' + to_csv_timestamp + '_sahkprotests_tweets.csv'
# Store dataframe in csv with creation date timestamp
db_tweets.to_csv(filename, index = False)
program_end = time.time()
print('Scraping has completed!')
print('Total time taken to scrap is {} minutes.'.format(round(program_end - program_start)/60, 2))