-> // Automatically imported method
||= // Syntactic sugar
++= // Syntactic sugar/composition or common method
<= // Common method
_._ // Typo, though it's probably based on Keyword/composition
:: // Common method
:+= // Common method
// Keywords
<- // Used on for-comprehensions, to separate pattern from generator
=> // Used for function types, function literals and import renaming
// Reserved
( ) // Delimit expressions and parameters
[ ] // Delimit type parameters
{ } // Delimit blocks
. // Method call and path separator
// /* */ // Comments
# // Used in type notations
: // Type ascription or context bounds
<: >: <% // Upper, lower and view bounds
<? <! // Start token for various XML elements
" """ // Strings
' // Indicate symbols and characters
@ // Annotations and variable binding on pattern matching
` // Denote constant or enable arbitrary identifiers
, // Parameter separator
; // Statement separator
_* // vararg expansion
_ // Many different meanings
import scala._ // Wild card -- all of Scala is imported
import scala.{ Predef => _, _ } // Exception, everything except Predef
def f[M[_]] // Higher kinded type parameter
def f(m: M[_]) // Existential type
_ + _ // Anonymous function placeholder parameter
m _ // Eta expansion of method into method value
m(_) // Partial function application
_ => 5 // Discarded parameter
case _ => // Wild card pattern -- matches anything
f(xs: _*) // Sequence xs is passed as multiple parameters to f(ys: T*)
case Seq(xs @ _*) // Identifier xs is bound to the whole matched sequence