- Adding the Carrousel View by adding to build.gradle.kts the components path, permission to gradle.properties and the path of components on Build_gradle by using the maven property links
- Applying the correselView to the activity, adding a code that the user can select one advert and view the photos of the selected advert and adding a button that shows the phone number and makes a phone call to the selected advert.
- Updating the path of the application.
- Updating the UI layout.
* Notes:
- ...
* Add items:
- AdvertDetailActivity
- ic_location_on_24
- activity_advert_detail
- strings
- style
* Updated items:
- AdvertsActivity
- CreateAdvertActivity
- LoginRegisterActivity
- MyAdvertsActivity
- SettingsFirebase
- Advert
- activity_login_register
- menu_adverts
- colors
- dimens
- strings
- themes
- libs.versions
- settings.versions
- gradle.properties
* Removed:
- ...