In C programming language, printf() function is used to print the (“character, string, float, integer, octal and hexadecimal values”) onto the output screen.
We use printf() function with %d format specifier to display the value of an integer variable.
Similarly %c is used to display character, %f for float variable, %s for string variable, %lf for double and %x for hexadecimal variable.
To generate a newline,we use “\n” in C printf() statement.
void main(){
printf("My name is MD Fuadul Islam Redoy\n");
printf("My birthday date is 4 April 2000\n");
printf("My mobile number = 01621025110\n");
Format Specifiers
In C programming language, %d and %i are format specifiers as where %d specifies the type of variable as decimal and %i specifies the type as integer. In usage terms, there is no difference in printf() function output while printing a number using %d or %i but using scanf the difference occurs. scanf() function detects base using %i but assumes base 10 using %d.
Format Specifiers
In C programming language, %d and %i are format specifiers as where %d specifies the type of variable as decimal and %i specifies the type as integer. In usage terms, there is no difference in printf() function output while printing a number using %d or %i but using scanf the difference occurs. scanf() function detects base using %i but assumes base 10 using %d.