dir() and help() are most imp. Python functions.
# to know what strings you can pass as argument to them
# call them without any argument like below:
print(dir()) & help()
And you will get the strs that you can pass as strings.
help() gives us internal documentation on any object,method or module.
# it's very useful to know about a function definition
dir() gives us array of strings of names of methods of modules/objects and
dir('keywords'), dir('topics') and dir('modules') are also useful.
# it's useful to get names of functions of a module/object and then
# these names can be given to help to get their usage.
Note: in both help,dir u can
1. directly pass a str as argument
# ex.
2. pass module or function name but will require to import the module or
write object.fun_name respectively before passing directly
# ex.
import math