~ pyenv install 3.5.2
Installing Python-3.5.2...
patching file Lib/venv/scripts/posix/activate.fish
ERROR: The Python ssl extension was not compiled. Missing the OpenSSL lib?
Please consult to the Wiki page to fix the problem.
BUILD FAILED (Deepin 15.4 using python-build 20160602)
Inspect or clean up the working tree at /tmp/python-build.20170717074120.10900
Results logged to /tmp/python-build.20170717074120.10900.log
Last 10 log lines:
(cd /home/zonzely/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/share/man/man1; ln -s python3.5.1 python3.1)
if test "xupgrade" != "xno" ; then
case upgrade in
upgrade) ensurepip="--upgrade" ;;
install|*) ensurepip="" ;;
./python -E -m ensurepip
$ensurepip --root=/ ;
Ignoring ensurepip failure: pip 8.1.1 requires SSL/TLS