function truthCheck(collection, pre) {
// Create a counter to check how many are true.
let counter = 0;
// Check for each object
for (let c in collection) {
// If it is has property and value is truthy
if (collection[c].hasOwnProperty(pre) && Boolean(collection[c][pre])) {
// Outside the loop, check to see if we got true for all of them and return true or false
return counter == collection.length;
truthCheck([{ name: "Quincy", role: "Founder", isBot: false }, { name: "Naomi", role: "", isBot: false }, { name: "Camperbot", role: "Bot", isBot: true }], "isBot");
const truthCheck = (collection, pre) =>
collection.every(elem => elem.hasOwnProperty(pre) && elem[pre]);