# Python code for the above approach (snippet sorry)
class Node:
def __init__(self, d):
self.data = d
self.next = None
# initialize a new head for the linked list
head = None
# detect if there is a loop
# in the linked list
def detectLoop(head):
slowPointer = head
fastPointer = head
while (slowPointer != None
and fastPointer != None
and fastPointer.next != None):
slowPointer = slowPointer.next
fastPointer = fastPointer.next.next
if (slowPointer == fastPointer):
return 1
return 0
# inserting new values
head = Node(10)
head.next = Node(20)
head.next.next = Node(30)
head.next.next.next = Node(40)
head.next.next.next.next = Node(50)
# adding a loop for the sake
# of this example
temp = head
while (temp.next != None):
temp = temp.next
temp.next = head
# loop added;
if (detectLoop(head)):
print("Loop exists in the Linked List")
print("Loop does not exists in the Linked List")
# This code is contributed by Saurabh Jaiswal from GeeksforGeeks