from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import get
import re
page = ""
content = get(page).content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
exp = re.compile(r"(?:.*?='(.*?)')")
# Find any element with the mail icon
for icon in soup.findAll("i", {"class": "icon-mail"}):
# the 'a' element doesn't exist, there is a script tag instead
script = icon.next_sibling
# the script tag builds a long array of single characters- lets gra
chars = exp.findall(script.text)
output = []
# the javascript array is iterated backwards
for char in reversed(list(chars)):
# many characters use their ascii representation instead of simple text
if char.startswith("|"):
# putting the array back together gets us an `a` element
link = BeautifulSoup("".join(output))
email = link.findAll("a")[0]["href"][8:]
# the email is the part of the href after `mailto: `