/* Margin: Sets the margin as top, left, bottom, or right. */
margin: top right bottom left;
/* Padding: Sets the padding as top, left, bottom, or right. */
padding: top right bottom left;
/* Width: Sets an element's width as absolute units or auto. */
width: auto;
/* Height: Sets an element’s height as absolute units or as auto. */
height: auto;
/* Overflow: specifies what should happen if content overflows an element's box. */
overflow: hidden;
/* Visibility: Switches of the visibility of the element but the space occupied. */
visibility: visible;
/* Display: It defines how elements are displayed on the web page. */
display: block;
/* Float: Allows text to wrap around an element */
float: none;
/* Position: It specifies the positioning method of the HTML entity on the web page. */
position: sticky;