#I would highly recommend using the Requests HTTP library. It will handle all this for you.
import requests
sess = requests.session()"", data={"username": "me", "password": "pass"})
#Everything after that POST will retain the login session
print sess.get("").text
#edit: To save the session to disk, there are a lot of ways. You could do the following:
from requests.utils import cookiejar_from_dict as jar
cookies = jar(sess.cookies)
import requests
sess = requests.session()"", data={"username": "me", "password": "pass"})
#Everything after that POST will retain the login session
print sess.get("").text
#In order to provide a cookie yourself to the requests module you can use the cookies parameter for a single request and give it a cookie jar or dict like object containing the cookie(s).
>>> import requests
>>> requests.get('', cookies {'cookieKey':'cookieValue'})
#But if you want to retain the provided cookie without having to set the cookies parameter everytime, you can use a reqests session which you can also pass to other funtions so they can use and update the same cookies:
>>> session = requests.session()
>>> session.cookies.set('cookieKey', 'cookieName')
# In order to avoid cookie collisions
# and to only send cookies to the domain / path they belong to
# you have to provide these detail via additional parameters
>>> session.cookies.set('cookieKey', 'cookieName', path='/', domain='')