Layers -> 1:Physical 2:Data Link 3:Network 4:Transport 5:Session 6:Presentation 7:Application.
OSI model is a myth
OSI model is created after TCP/IP model to explain the network communication in
details so that network engineers can troubleshoot the problem occurred in
network communication, the authentic network communication model is TCP/IP model
therefore OSI model is the explanation of NETWORK COMMUNICATION. Don't get confused.
# If you are already using Oh My Zsh, then enabling this feature is quite easy and can be done in two easy steps.
#First, use the following command to download the auto-suggestions plugin from GitHub:
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
# Now, open the zshrc file using the following command:
nano ~/.zshrc
# In this config file, you'd have to find a line starting with plugins and add zsh-autosuggestions as shown here: