ggplot(data, aes(x = group, y = value)) +
## add half-violin from {ggdist} package
## custom bandwidth
adjust = .5,
## adjust height
width = .6,
## move geom to the right
justification = -.2,
## remove slab interval
.width = 0,
point_colour = NA
) +
width = .12,
## remove outliers
outlier.color = NA ## `outlier.shape = NA` works as well
) +
## add dot plots from {ggdist} package
## orientation to the left
side = "left",
## move geom to the left
justification = 1.1,
## adjust grouping (binning) of observations
binwidth = .25
) +
## remove white space on the left
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1.2, NA))