You have a legacy application.
Microservices are more difficult to manage (in some ways).
Microservices require a larger technology stack.
Microservices make networking essential.
Microservices are slower to develop.
If a module needs to have a completely independent lifecycle (meaning the code-commit-to-production flow), then it should be a microservice.
It should have its own code repository, CI/CD pipeline, and so on.
A smaller scope makes it far easier to test a microservice.
When your application is small and simple: If your application has only a few components and does not require a high degree of scalability or availability, then using microservices might be overkill. When your organization does not have the necessary expertise: Building and maintaining a microservices architecture requires a high degree of expertise in areas such as distributed systems, API design, and containerization.
Also If you don’t have a team size that cannot handle the microservice workloads, this will only result in the delay of delivery.